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Profile of Human Resources in Tainan City


Talents are the source of company competitiveness. Companies having sufficient talents also mean gaining more support in enterprise investment. Tainan City has laboring population of approximately 1,000,000 and labor participation rate of 61.3%. It has 14 universities/colleges, which is about 9.46% of the total number in the country. There are a total of 101,751 students in universities/colleges, and it shows that Tainan region has abundant human resources. Furthermore, the cooperative development between institutes and industries is popular, which helps to nurture many professional talents for enterprises and provides companies with the best power boost in development.

Statistics of Human Resources in Tainan City

school year
Total No. of Universities
 and Colleges
Total No. of Teachers Total No. of Students in Doctoral Programs Total No. of Students in Master Programs Total No. of Students in Universities and Colleges Total No. of Students
2022 14 4,148 2,231 14,235 85,285 101,751

school year
No. of Full-time Teachers No. of Students No. of Graduates from Previous School year
  Population Ratio of Country (%) Population Ratio of Country (%) Ratio of Country (%) Population
2022 4,148 9.34% 101,751 8.92% 26,041 9.18%

Statistics of Universities and Colleges in Tainan City

(Source of Information: Department of Statistics, Ministry of Education)

Yonghua Civic Center 70801 No. 6 Yonghua Road, Sec. 2, Anping District, Tainan City|TEL: 886-6-2991111|
MinJhih Civic Center 73001 No. 36 MinJhih Road, Sinying District, Tainan City|TEL: 886-6-6322231|Contact Us