Industrial Innovation Act was announcement on 12 May, 2010. In regards to the establishment of industrial park, the major transformation is focused on the change of park type and the simplified establishment procedures.
Industrial Innovation Act offers more diversity in the park, hence the establishment of other types of parks such as culture and creativity, logistics, telecommunications and media, etc., which speeds up the development of versatile diverse industries. The procedures of application have also been greatly simplified. For example, industrial parks with an area of 30 hectares or under can now be examined and approved by county/city governments accordingly, which largely decreases the processing time of each case.
Explanations of Application Flowchart:
Step 1: Joint Site Investigation
Applicant (check land selection information) → Economic Development Bureau, Tainan City Government (carry out joint site investigation and collect opinions from related organizations)
Step 2: Initial Review
Applicant (adjust and check related documents accordingly based on the opinions gathered from the joint site investigation - feasibility report / urban planning and development planning / environmental evaluation) → Ministry of Economic Affairs, R.O.C. (check if all documents have been prepared, and meet up with relevant organization)
Step 3: Examination
Is environmental evaluation required? (Non-urban Land: over 10 hectares) (Urban Land: over 5 hectares)
YES→ Submit to the Ministry of Economic Affairs, R.O.C. for examination (examine environmental evaluation)
NO→Urban land: Submit to the Ministry of the Interior (examine urban planning); Non-urban land: Submit to the Bureau of Urban Development, Tainan City Government (review development planning)
Once completed, submit them all to the “Discussion Group of Tainan City Government Industrial Park” (discuss about the application of industrial park establishment)
Step 4: Approval and Public Announcement
Submit to Tainan City Government, and they will approve and publicly announce the establishment, then notify the Ministry of Economic Affairs, R.O.C. for future reference.